Saturday, September 22, 2007

Those moles are a pest

Well one week after visiting the docs to have my huge mole has fallen off. Somewhere on the floor of my car is a chocolate raisin sized blob, lurking under a seat waiting to jump on its next victim. After several years of my mole getting bigger and bigger on my neck, I decided to give it the chop as it was begining to seap and get so big that looked like tht bloke of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

So there it first attempt at cosmetic surgery. That itself was quite interesting. Liquid nitrogen on a gives a little sizzle and stings...but painless enough really. My collar size has now been reduced by 2 inches and I can now consider waring bling!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Every day after school I take Stuart to the park to let off a bit of steam. On Monday he was joining a gang of other 6 year olds in jumping off the 8ft high climbing frame. Things were going ok until a ruffian gave him a push and he landed on his arm. The wail and the white/grey/green face were a good enough to convince me something was wrong. When we managed to get his jumper off the mishapen arm/elbow pointed to a break or dislocation so off we went ot he Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh. It really is called Sick Kids...and it refers to illness rather than some sort of cruel sense of humour that they might have....that would be Little Shits Hospital. On entry I was impressed by the efficiency of it all. Before you could say 'x-ray', they had him all needled up and ready, and off he went to be x-rayed which revealed a broken arm just above the elbow...and it had dislodged so was sticking out. Within an hour he was on the orthopedic ward and then in surgery having wires put into his arm and out again before 11pm. This also meant having to spend a night in the hospital and guess what...I got to stay too. It wasn't the best nights sleep I have ever had....a z bed in the middle of a ward full of sick kids crying all night, nurses walking past, beepers going off, shift changes, doctors running in and out, porters banging trolleys and generally everything but quiet. The enxt day Stuart got to choose his 'stookie' (plaster). Gone are the days of chalky scrim plasters being slapped you get to choose your own colour from day glow pink, yellow, purple, blue or camouflage. Needless to say he went for the cammy option. This was too good to be true. The next thing is a play worker turns there anything you would like to do? Playstation or X-Box, DVD's, craft, toys, painting,...the list went on. We opted for Garfield2, the box set of Simpsons, Pirates of the Carribean and then inbetween some model aircraft building and some glass painting. Going to hospital is like going to a them park. Lunch...that'l get em I thought thinking back to my 3 months in kids hospital with a broken leg and a diet of stodge, soggy greens and liver. I was, curry and chips, fish fingers...custard, juice. This place was too good to be true.
Stuart got home and now his brother and sister are trying to find ways of breaking their arms so they can enjoy the luxury that it brings. I am just going to nick his chocolates!

Stuarts Arms broken and Stuart's new cammy stookie.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Missed Camp Moments No3

Ah well camp is over for another year and it sounds like it all went very well. I am glad it did because I would have been disappointed to see a good thing fade away and regret givign it up. There's one camp moment I don't really miss, and that is packing up the camp into a small garage on the field.
It's the last day and you want to be nice to people but they have been up until the early hours trying to get a snog, breaking into the castle, having some booze and other minor rebellious acts. So they are dead to the world and can't be arsed, I want to pack up and go home quickly and inevitably the clash of these two opposing forces leads to some abusive language and accidental whacking of people's heads with lengths of drain pipes and goal posts. Then there is that moment when you lock the cookhouse for the last time...turn around and find a brush or a set of hockey sticks still lying on the field. Your heart sinks, but they have to be moved. One year I remember it was a bucket full of slops from breakfast. I left it and I happened to be in the area 3 months later and emptied the bucket full of maggots then.
So fareweel for another year...or even forever.