Monday, February 21, 2011


It's been a long week of running for the pair of us. 63 miles between us over Saturday and Sunday, and my total miles last week went up to 64. The mileage is up but my pace is terrible so more work to be done. I don't really feel like I am reaping any benefits from all the additional training I am doing. Perhaps when this chesty cough clears up things might improve. Nothing slows you down more than a dockers omelette in your lungs first thing in the morning.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shocking behaviour

Stuart has been up to no good again at school. Once a month they get to take an electric toy in to class for others to play with. Whilst most kids take in game consoles and fun games like Operation, Stuart went against all our orders and took with him....a taser! Well it's not quite the fully working taser that the plod use to stun felons, but it is still an alarming little device that you play with a friend. Basically it's a reactions game and the slowest one gets an electric shock....what fun! So when I went to collect him his teacher told me she'd confiscated his taser. "What taser?" "The one he said you told him he could bring in to school". After electrocuting several girls and the class hamster, the teacher wanted to find out what the fuss was about and ended up electrocuting herself. Stuart's response was "mum said I could bring it". Devious little devil. And if you are wondering which irresponsible adult bought it him....the answer is the Methodist Church who gave it him as a Christmas pressie.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Beyond the Point of No Return

Well the marathon training is well and truly under way in preparation for London in April. Both me & Emma have decided to follow the same programme, albeit at different paces. And unlike previous attempts to follow something, I am so far sticking to it. But it is really hard work. For 6 days a week we have to have a run. Some days that is only for 3-4 miles, but the long ones at the weekends are up to 17 miles now. The effect of all this is that I am running well but it means being permanently hungry and fatigued. I am eating more than ever but I am now losing weight. Since Christmas I have dropped around 4lbs or more, so I am not actually sure how much of me will be left if I continue to lose it at this rate. Taking on a marathon seriously is a big ask in terms of time and energy. However with around 10 weeks to go I feel like there is no turning back now....all that effort will be wasted. besides which, I have booked train tickets to London so there's no getting out of it now. The relentless silent call of the training programme has been a good motivator. On these cold wintery nights and days when I would previously have a dose of cant -be-arsed-itis, I find myself out running. It's not normal...I don't think I am..Weirdo!