Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Edinburgh Nights (and Sunday afternoons)

Photo: Arthur's Seat. Not a bad little location for running.
One significant event that took place this summer was that Andrew finally left his local team Dunbar Colts. Whilst the pull of playing footy with his pals was strong, he had to accept that some of his mates are not all good at footy. In order to progress he had to move on to a team of better players. Our gratitude goes out to the Dunbar coaches who kindly gave up so many hours to train the lads and see them gradually progress to the 2nd Division, where they are doing okay.
After searching for a new club, and being scouted for others, he decided to go with Calvary Park. They are based in Edinburgh and so the tedious car journeys back and forth have begun. Fortunately they play right next to Arthur's Seat and close to the city centre. I have just enough time to go out and run it before kick off (well I miss the first 10 minutes so I must go quicker). My challenge is to do a lap of the big hill and run to the top without a stop. I am so far about 100 meters short of the top, but I do save a little sprint to reach the trig point and impress the numerous tourists who are up there. I am keeping a note of their nationalities as they usually like to have a natter. Germans, Americans, French, Indian and Japanese. I've ended up taking a few photos of them. i don't mind as it gives me time to take in the fantastic views. With the dark nights drawing in, I'd better get some new batteries for my head torch.
Running in Dunbar is a solitary experience usually. I like that as it gives me space to think and do my own thing. Arthur's Seat is in contrast full of runners. It gives me someone to chase, and today I was particularly pleased to get into a challenge with a cyclist going up hill, who I eventually passed. Also up there is an old railway and long tunnel going under the hill called the Innocence rail Way. I followed it and ended up in places around Edinburgh that I did not know existed. Here's a link Innocence railway
As for the football? It's not a bad team and we are seeing the best and worst of Scottish football with mainly wins. The travel is a pain but that is one of the few downsides of living out on a limb. The up side is running around one of Edinburgh's more scenic spots. If you ever visit I'd recommend the hike up.