Friday, February 15, 2008

Caught Out

I thought you might like to see these pictures I got of Trefor the other day. He has a terrible habit of raiding the bin when we are out, and on this occasion there was nowhere for him to hide his guilt. Despite having a frosties box stuck on his head, he tried to pretend it wasn't there. It reminded me of a bible verse i think I first saw on a train. In fact I am pretty sure it was on a train station platform somewhere on the Festiniog Railway (someone out there can tell me which one). Anyway the message has stuck with me ever since...although I did have to look up the reference.

Number 32:23 "Be sure your sins will find you out".

1 comment:

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's so funny, reminds me of our rabbit who used to like to try to hide in cereal boxes.