Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Watch out there's a thief about!

Dunbar soaring crime stats got a boost last week when some opportunist thieves visited our street. They 'broke in' to several cars and garages. I say 'broke in', but in fact they 'opened the doors' as most people don't normally bother locking their cars unless the fair is in town. A few sat navs got lifted, but mostly they nicked cd's. It was a week before we noticed Emma's 'Take That' cd and 'Lady GaGa had walked, but there may well be a chance of recovering them, as the crooks dumped all the stuff they didn't like in the woods. However, you won't find me down the nick asking if they have got any Take That.

Amongst the other items stolen from our neigbours, were a crate of Irn Bru, some ice lollies and a box of choc ices! Imagine how uncool that would be if they got sent down for it. Muppets!

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