Saturday, September 05, 2009

Wet All Over

It's been a wet week here in Dunbar. Wednesday was a fine sunny day, but then it started to rain. it stopped on Friday at around 5pm. So lots of water everywhere. Most spectacular was the primary school where the playground flooded. The kids love it and many of them took a dip in the waters. I don't think they realised that the water might include the odd bog spud or two. There was even a photo of it on the national weather. I decided to go for a run because I needed to get a 10 miler in for my training programme. Emma thinks I have gone a bit OCD with it, but I don't want to take any risks and ruin my chances of finishing the marathon. Anyway, once your wet your wet, so running through puddles was a bit of fun. However, up in the hill country, a couple of the fords had burst and at one point I found myself running in water that just stopped short of my dangly bits for 1/4 of a mile. I have a lunch time group that I could not get too because all the roads were closed or gridlocked, including the A1. It's all draining away now so I'm hoping my run tomorrow that takes in the river will be above water, rather than under it.

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