Tuesday, March 01, 2011

A bit nippy

Had to visit the Dr today with my latest running acquired injury (for some people, the next few lines of this post might sound a bit sexy!). I did a long hard one the other day in the rain. My wet t-shirt was clinging to my chest and consequently a bit of friction on the nipples led to the outer skin wearing away and blood was drawn. A week later a nice big lump appeared on the left nipple which was quite sore. Was I having some sort of phantom pregnancy thing and would I find myself lactating at the sound of baby cries? Not quite, but some weird puss did ooze out when I squeezed it, but I don't think it was edible. Anyway, the doc reckons it is an infection so I'm on course of med's for a week to see if I can reduce it a cup size or two. Meanwhile I have taken to wearing blister plasters for extra protection. Not a pretty sight and one hope I don't have an accident and end up in hospital with a lot of explaining to do to the nurses. Hang on...this is the same scenario my mum used to paint when she tried to make me and our Colin wear clean undies. "If you got knocked over and taken to hospital what would they think if you had dirty undies on?" (I did get knocked over once and sent to hospital and thankfully I passed the Grubby Undies Detector test).

Meanwhile back on the nipple...I enjoyed reading this article about those London people who really are a bunch of tits.

I wonder if they do raspberry ripple?

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