Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wooler XC

Another Sunday where Eric Lidle would have turned in his grave. Me, Isabelle & Andrew did the Wooler cross country race on sunday around some morland, a quarry and a golf course. The juniors set off first and they both did ok. Isabelle knocked 7 minutes off last years time. Here she is going so fast her hat fell off!

I am still getting over the flu but what really held me back was the need for a dump on the last 2 miles. Not quite touching the void, but tmore ouching the cloth! At the end Andrew and his mate Martin got into a row with rivals from Gala. Lots of finger gestures were exchanged but no harm done. Wooler has the best views of the Cheviot Hills and I may well be doing a race up the one that's in cloud soon.

Only one more in the series to go and it's a really muddy one. Hopefully I'll get some pictures for you.

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