Monday, July 02, 2007

Here kitti kitti!

Emma thinks I am a geek because I spent Saturday morning watching some birds. Dunbar is home to 'the most accessible Kittiwake colony in the uk'. I was passing it on my bike and saw all these real geeks photgraphing them. I went for a closer look and they were very 'accessible'. In fact you could spit on them, although it is more likely they would pooh on me. Anyway the little kitti chicks have hatched and are all fluffy. There was loads lying on the ground. Obviously not good at flying and the big seaguls eat them. I saw a herring gull swallow one whole after it had killed it by shaking it violently. So I went home and got my camera and anorak and snapped some shots myself for your pleasure. If you are really interested you can watch Kitti footage of them on Dunbar's Castle. http:// Kitticam

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