Thursday, May 22, 2008

Girl Guiding at ADSA

The Girl Guides are off to Switzerland on some expensive trip next summer. This means loads of fund raising to bring the price down and it also means parents getting involved. So when Isabelle and her squad of Guides headed off to ADSA for a bag pack they were looking for parents to help out. Reluctantly I got roped in. However it turned out to be a top afternoon of people watching. I spent the whole afternoon not only talking to people I knew, but seeing what goes into their shopping bags. Of course I realised that some items might be a bit embarrassing if I were to pack them. I'm sure the librarian wouldn't want me to ask her if i should put her Anusol in with her kippers, or ask the milkman if he wanted all 4 bottles of Gin putting in the same bag as his Smirnoff...I wouldn't need to as he could probably carry them in one hand like they do with the milk.(These are of course fictional scenarios in case anyone thought of offering the librarian a rubber ring next time they were in). Isabelle was trying to ignore me and sent me to another till, so I had thought of anding over a basket full of embarrassing items for her to pack, like lingerie, 10 packets of condoms and a box of feminine wipes. Anyway the day was a success with £1300 being raised and one or two eyebrows. I can't wait for the next one.

Now had we done it the following Saturday we would have been treated to a sighting of Gok Wan. Yes the celebrity flab fiddling dandy was in Dunbar's ADSA on his way back from Edinburgh. I hope so anyway, as it would just be awful if someone we knew appeared on that 'How to Look Fat Naked' programme....I think that's the name of it.
Picture: (Top) Isabelle packs another bag of shopping
( in the location of it not the content) Gok with the ADSA girls!


geoffrey Taylor said...

Hi Rich, it's Beck here. Can't believe Gok Wossit came to Dunbar. "I like big butts and i can not lie"............
Did you spell ASDA, ADSA on purpose?
Isabelle looks a bit embarrassed on the picture!

Taylor said...

Yes it's a deliberate mistake. Look at the post on 'ADSA Price' in November 2007 to see why.
Apparantly another celeb was also in town playing golf. Neil Armstrong (as of one small step for man fame) was supposedly here for a round the other day. I thought he was dead but seemingly not!

geoffrey Taylor said...

Oh yes, I remember the ADSA story now, d'oh!
I also thought Neil Armstrong was dead. Funny how we think that about certain folk. I always think Woody Allen has croaked.
What WILL you do about Andrew if they turn round and say "Look, the lad really IS the next Wayne Rooney?" It'd be hard to ignore, but if you went with the professional route, it's not guaranteed to bring success. Tough one, and I suppose, ultimately up to Andrew.
Would be nice to be coming with Mum and Dad to visit you all next week, but can't have the time off work that week. It's 'Love Burnage' Mission the weekend before- dunno that there's much to love about the place- only kidding! Face paints and bouncy castles and local scabs, but I'm sure it'll be great.
Speak soon, Beck.