Friday, December 12, 2008

He's behind you!

Just got back from the annual sunday school trip to the panto in Musselbugh. It's a good local show, not like these big name things they have in big venues. The cast has been more or less the same for the last 5 years. I always like to read the programme to see what these actors do all year round. Under the section 'tv work' they all read "Take the High Road', 'River City' 'Taggart' and extra's in Chewing the Fat. But who cares, they put a good show on. We had really good seats, just 2 rows from the front. Good, that is, until the bit in the panto where they are looking for a victim to go on stage. Guess who was sat on the end of the row and effectively easy pickings for drag queen on stage? Guess no further, it was me, and before I knew it, I was on stage doing a fitness routine that involved me bending over in front of the queen. The phrase, 'he's behind you' had a new meaning for me. I then had to kiss her/him....heshe...all in front of my sunday school and tongues you understand!

Of course in days of old, the shoe was on the other foot. I don't mean I had sexuality issues, but I performed in at least 2 panto's, including one where I was playing an ugly sister. Love them or hate them I am glad to see they are still going strong. I think the most memorable one I went to was with Jonny Wooldridge, when we went to the Mormon Church Panto. He was on the pull and she was the lead role, and at one point he ended up singing 'Careless Whisper' to her on stage. The Mormons don't drink caffine, and but how was I to know when I asked for a cuppa at the interval!

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