Sunday, November 30, 2008

For the record

Photo: You would never guess they are mother and daughter would you?

Here's some other stuff we have been up to..

Andrew had a good game of footy against Celtic Boys. Although Dunbar colts lost 7-2, Andrew scored and got man of the match for it. It's good to see him on form again after being dropped by Aberdeen FC. The next day Isabelle & Emma did the first cross country race of the season. It was really muddy and they both did well. I had to miss it because I did not want to risk my back injury flaring up. So I did a video of it instead.
Me and Emma headed off to the Rotary Club ball the other night. The 'whose who' of Dunbar were out in force for a meal and a dance. Isabelle turned 12. Our Sarah has had a baby and Emma's sister Claire has had a baby, by natural methods after spending loads of £'s on unsuccessful IVF. We will look forward to them all coming to for Christmas lunch with the other 19. Talking of Christmas, I have been asked to give the address at the Episcopal Church Service on Christmas Eve. That is a big job as it genuinely is the one time of year people go to the church...and more specifically to that service. Finally I went on the most expensive shopping trip I have had in a while today. We bought a new due Tuesday.

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