Monday, May 25, 2009

Hey! It's the Fonz

We got a nice surprise at the school the other day when a 70’s tv icon made a guest appearance at the primary school. Andrew came home to tell us that some bloke called ‘The Fonz’ was coming in to his class. He had no idea who he was, and could not understand why women of a certain age were getting so excited about him.

His visit arrived, and lots of people suddenly found excuses to be in school. I am easily enthralled by a celebrity, especially ones that were once almost‘A’ list (if you were a 15 year old girl) and are now just legends. I popped in to get a glimpse and ended up staying for his talk and reading. He had written some books about a dyslexic kid, and told his own story of his ‘learning challenges’ caused by his own dyslexia. He was pretty good and had a very positive message for the underachievers in the school. Whilst I am sure the sale of his books was driving him, he was passionate about his cause and had time for the kids who he once was.

Andrew got to meet him and have his picture taken for the papers because apparently he was the coolest looking kid. Henry Winkler is obviously trying to put his Happy Days behind him, because when the photographer asked him to give a thumbs up, he replied...’err NO!...I’ll hold the book instead.” He also looked far from cool in his old jeans and a big baggy jumper. But he was still a good performer and very animated as he spoke. He revealed that he was 28 years old when he played the Fonz, and that he got 50,000 fan letters or parcels a week. I had to watch a couple of episodes with the boys on Youtube to remind myself of what he was like. They were actually quite funny, and I had forgotten Robin Williams’ ‘Mork’ was a character on a couple of episodes. I think Mork & Mindy was a spin off series of it. Fonzie is 63 now! Can you believe it.

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