Monday, June 29, 2009


Owwww! Not the parting words of Michael Jackson, but the noise I have been making since I did my annual bit for the junior running club and took part in the track and field events. Last year it was for vital points to promote the club, this time to prevent relegation. However, more dad's turned out this time, so it meant less events. Just as well really as I am not as fit as I was. This time it all began with 400m. Not a chance of getting anywhere near the front. I was in the seniors category, which is 18+ and most of them were half my age. I wasn't last but it was a struggle. Then straight from that, I was into the javelin. I was rubbish at this too, throwing 7 meters less than last year. Then there was a long break, giving just enough time to build up lots of lactic acid in my legs, and stiffen them up for the high jump. Now I had practiced high jump, getting one of the 13 year old lads to coach me! To my amazement I got a personal best of 1.35m. However it came at a price as on landing I cramped up on both legs. As the other competitors were actually only warming up on 1.4, I decided to quit whilst i was ahead. Today my legs feel like someone has hit them with a baseball bat. Sore and definately plenty of 'owww's' as I sit down, and stand up.

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