Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Ghost Walk II

Yesterday it was Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week and to kick off the most important 7 days in the Christian calendar I helped organise the 2nd of the local churches Holy Ghost Walks. The concept of the Holy Ghost Walk follows the popular format of the historic city ghost tours, where as you wander around, you are greeted by a spooky character, normally played by a failed drama student looking to pay off their student loan. The difference is that the characters represent people associated with Biblical stories.

This year we decided to go with the Easter story, so some could describe what we did as a passion play. However, with flimsy scripts, lame jokes, wooden acting and costumes made from curtains and duvet covers it was more a combo of Monty Python passing through the Crossroads Hotel on the way to Oberammergau! Nevertheless, over 100 people turned out to join in and a good afternoon was had by all. We had a new route that started and finished in the village of West Barns near Dunbar. It took in the Biel Burn and the Seafield Pond before heading back to the hall.

I played the part of the man who provided Jesus with a donkey to arrive in Jerusalem. With me was my junior sized donkey Stuart, who we called Dinky Donkey. Other characters included the market stall holder who complained at having their table overturned in the temple, Mary who had washed Jesus' feet, the owner of the Upper Room who was played by the local GP in the style of Ali G, but by all accounts sounded like he'd had too much wine and came from the South African quarter of South Wales. A real scoop was to get use of a huge rowing boat for the day where Simon Peter shamefully told his story of betrayal, and to finish off we had 2 Roman guards playing a game of snap with the crowd to win some of Jesus' shredded clothes. The final stop was back to the West Barns village hall for a short epilogue by Rev Gordon Stevenson, accompanied by trays and trays of really good home baking.

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