Monday, April 05, 2010

Greaseproof Pencaitland

Yesterday being Easter I spent most of my day at either special services or eating stuff not fitting for a marathon training programme. Needless to say my long run got postponed. I needed to get my last big long run in before the marathon, so that I can now enjoy the taper down. However, we needed to do a couple of trips to Edinburgh to pick up some furniture, so rather than stick to my usual routes, it made sense for Emma to drop me off and I would run back. I'd worked out that the sleepy village of Pencaitland is 20 miles away and the route would take me through some of the back roads of East Lothian that I don't ever recall going down. It was all a bit of rush to get to edinburgh and I realised I'd left my rain jacket and vaseline behind. As it was chucking it down one or both of these are a great way of seeing off chaffing of the nipples, armpits and inner thigh. The wet weather makes them worse.
There is one thing that Pencaitland lacks and that is lubrication! The village shop only sold rolls and war rations it was so badly stocked. A couple of tins of corned beef were not going to see off the agonising sting of chaffing. So I tried the garage...not for Catrol GTX, but for vaseline in the shop. SOLD OUT! The man did offer a cherry lip balm though but i was more intrigued as to why it had sold out? I also discovered there are no loos in Pencaitland. Thank the Lord for the wide openings on Gatorade bottles, that now seem to do ginger beer type flavour.

The run itself was 20 miles and took in some great scenery that I'd not seen before. The road sort of bends around Traprain Law, which meant it never seemed to get any closer, and I wondered if I would ever make it to familiar ground. The route passed through East Saltoun, Gifford where there was a little bit f snow here and there, Garvald, Whittinghame and Stenton. Well worth the drive I'm sure, but go slowly to enjoy the views and to avoid hitting people like me out for a run. I got back in 2.5 hours which is what i had expected, as I was in no rush. It actually covered quite a lot of climbing. Here is a link to the route if you fancy it. I should also point out that there are several good looking pubs on the route, which I managed to bypass, although on a warmer day I could be tempted to refuel! Oh and the chaffing was fine as was the weather that turned out bright once i got going.
Pencaitland to Dunbar Route

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