Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Fever

Spring has sprung. I cut the grass for the first time this year, my daff's are out and I woken by the loud birdsong each day. I saw 2 swallows today and the sun has been out. Sun and school holidays means a trip to the beach. In fact 2 visits this week so far. Yesterday we'd planned to take the boys out to the local theme park, but it was too overcrowded and we ended up on the beach at the John Muir Park. It didn't take long for the boys to get a fire going and digging holes. The previous day we had all gone to the East beach where all was going well until some yappy dog nicked our bag of cookies. It reminded me of the time we were on some beach as kids in the North Pole (well North Wales but it was normally that cold and regardless of the weather we sat on the beach with our 'windbreaker' and tartan rugs). Anyway on this occasion our Emma wearing a lovely white cardi ended up standing in as a lampost for another yappy dog who put a nice yellow pattern on it. Oh how we laughed at my dads reprimand of the owners "IF THAT DOG COMES NEAR ME AGAIN I'LL KICK IT IN THE JAFFA'S".

There's still a few more days to go and the sun is shining. Andrew is almost living on the golf course, as is Emma. Isabelle has got herself down to some hockey training and me and Stuart have pottered about cleaning. Yes as unlikely as it might sound, we have done some major spring cleaning as a result of Emma's sister Claire finally taking her furniture away after 4 1/2 years in our garage. This has enabled us to chuck out loads of stuff and slowly the house is beginning to look in order. The main priority is to get the dart board and pool table in full working order in the garage, although Emma probably disagrees!

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