Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snow Time

It's not yet December and the snow is here. Not just a dusting but proper snow. I went for a run on Sunday and although the main roads had been half cleared and were easy enough to run on, when I reached the country lanes around Pitcox I found drifts of snow on closed roads up to my waist. That 11 mile run was a good work out as effectively I was doing high knee steps for at least 5 miles, and the old thighs suffered for it the next day. The up side of it was seeing some stunning landscapes untouched by anyone (there are now some size 12 footprints in them and a couple of yellow patches where I got caught short).

There are several pairs of wet socks and gloves lying around the house as a result of kids having some great snowball fights, making snowmen and sledging. The schools are closed because half the staff would struggle to get in safely, so I'm stuck at home and on driving duty. Emma's buses are running, but when and where to is anyone's guess. So I've been on a trip to Haddington where it is even deeper and looks like a Christmas card. I had a wander around the graveyard at St Mary's because the grave stones look great with snow on them and I got a few pictures.

Everything is called off when it snows. All the sport is off which might cause Andrew to go into meltdown given that he normally does football everyday but Saturday (and then he ball boy's for Dunbar). He has resorted to making flapjack...3 times in as many days. There are oats all over the house as he is not the most tidy chef!

So we will wait and see if Scotland gets on with it, or if this is going to be a long drawn out winter. Meanwhile it's off to the 12th green at Winterfield for a spot of sledging.

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