Friday, February 04, 2011

Beyond the Point of No Return

Well the marathon training is well and truly under way in preparation for London in April. Both me & Emma have decided to follow the same programme, albeit at different paces. And unlike previous attempts to follow something, I am so far sticking to it. But it is really hard work. For 6 days a week we have to have a run. Some days that is only for 3-4 miles, but the long ones at the weekends are up to 17 miles now. The effect of all this is that I am running well but it means being permanently hungry and fatigued. I am eating more than ever but I am now losing weight. Since Christmas I have dropped around 4lbs or more, so I am not actually sure how much of me will be left if I continue to lose it at this rate. Taking on a marathon seriously is a big ask in terms of time and energy. However with around 10 weeks to go I feel like there is no turning back now....all that effort will be wasted. besides which, I have booked train tickets to London so there's no getting out of it now. The relentless silent call of the training programme has been a good motivator. On these cold wintery nights and days when I would previously have a dose of cant -be-arsed-itis, I find myself out running. It's not normal...I don't think I am..Weirdo!


kbos2hm said...

how come the bridge is in water is it flooded looks it we had floods a while back in carlile

kbos2hm said...

how come the bridge is in water is it flooded looks it we had floods a while back in carlile