Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pond Life

I got a message on Facebook asking me if I wanted a pond. Seemingly someone was chucking theirs out (minus the water and carp) and was going to become landfill the next day if it wasn't claimed. The photo made it look quite small so I took the car around and realised it was approximately 6ft long, 4ft wide and 1.5ft deep. Fortunately I managed to squeeze it into the boot so it was wedged in place. Then after a careful journey up the high street over the cobbles I got it into the back garden. So the with pick axe in hand the bank holiday was taken up digging a big hole in the garden, assisted by Andrew. It needs a bit of landscaping still but before I do that I have got to sift through all the spoil looking for gold! Yes my wedding ring came off and somewhere in the hole is my ring. Not happy at all and I feel naked without it. People will be talking thinking I've done a Giggsy or something. I had some great holidays there and i do miss Wales, but not in a Giggsy sort of way.

Back to the pond, Despite coming with an expensive filter and other pond gadgetry, this one is going to be a wild one and I will let mother nature manage it. Failing that I am sticking a heater in it and we're having a hot tub. Bets are on as to which child is going to be the first one to fall in.

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