Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 6: Holiday Clubbing

The grand finale of the summer for Dunbar Churches was the annual holiday club, which had an Olympic theme under the title 'On Your Marks'. Getting a group of people from different churches to work together is surprisingly difficult, but the holiday clubs model how it should be. A generous mix of talent, personalities and ages thrown together for the common good of kids. Great again to have some teenagers involved as they have an irreverent humour that is lost on the kids but keeps me on my toes as they push the limits. And it was also great to see an increase of kids attending. We must be doing something right. Personal highlights: Well so many to choose from but one was seeing an elderly woman who has mentored a young lad for 2 years now on a project I run, finally meeting his mum and family. Somehow they had never met and when they did it was like long lost friends reunited. Generally it was all a good laugh at 'OYM'. I enjoyed my daily appearance as an olympian...although I need to work on the skin tones for my Usain gig.
I was very pleased with my Jess Ennis outfit with an inspired washboard stomach from Isabelle.
In the evenings we did out 'yoof' programme. It was very chilled out and we got the masks out for our photo challenge. Here's Lady Gaga and Beyonce down at the Meths...the oldest Methodist Church in Scotland.
Final night had to be a bonfire down the beach. Pure magic to end off a busy summer!

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