Monday, September 01, 2008

Day Trip to Aberdeen

Photo: Not the Son of Rambo but of me taking on Celtic's defence

The football season has kicked off. Andrew is still trialling with Aberdeen FC and had his first taste of what signing with them is going to involve. They had a home game against Celtic. 'Home' is Aberdeen, but they have a team based in Hamilton which is who Andrew trains with, so they put a bus on to get them all (and parents) up there. So off we set at 7.30am to make the MacDonald's pick up in Edinburgh at 8.30am. Time for an Egg & Sausage McMuffin before the 3 and half hour trip. On the bus, the coach does a motivational talk and one all about diet and eating the right stuff before a game. With the grease still on my lips from my Egg McMuffin, we could not hide our guilt. It was a long journey but I managed to switch off, read the paper and ignore the foul mouthed kids behind me. Within 15 minutes of arrival the game started and it was quite a sight to see 4 Aberdeen vs Celtic games going on at once. All the age ranges play so its a big event with a good crowd. Sadly Aberdeen were outclassed by a very tidy Celtic team. They lost 3-1 and 5-0, which included a penalty and an own goal in the results. Never mind, Andrew of course played well! He's a bit hesitant and nervous but he did play as good as the rest. With the games over it was back to the Aberdeen FC Academy lounge for a few sarnies and a cup of tea. Then back on the bus for 3 and a half hours of hell. Fortunately I had my mini dvd player so i got to watch Son of Rambo. I had to put subtitles on though because the noise of the kids was too loud.
So there we have it, as top flight as football can get in Scotland for a 10 year old. No glamour, just football in the park and huge commitment which is wearing. Watch this space to see what happens next...lots of mmm's, maybe's, well's, err's and possibly's to work out.

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