Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Snow Falls

I was away for a few days last week for Scripture Union Scotland's staff conference over at Lendrick Muir near Kinross. It was a good mix of teaching, strategy thinking, meeting people and grazing on endless supplies of tray bake! The down side of these events is that you can get a bit stir crazy cooped up indoors all day, so I took my running gear to allow a bit of exercise to counteract the perils of tray bake overdosing. Tuesday night brought in the first snow of the winter, which meant a pre breakfast hill run was a must. The village of Muckhart has a nice big hill so I went up that one. Despite it being dark the snow was pretty bright and I got some good views of Grangemouth, Kinross and the Forth from the top. Coming down was fun, my size 12's are nearly as long as a pair of skis so I did a bit of slalom trying to avoid the gauze bushes. Needless to say I eventually crashed and burnt in a Eddie the Eagle style.

Photos: I took these slow exposures of me in my high viz top running in the snow.

1 comment:

Jen Robertson said...

Hi Richard

I'm enjoying following your blogs - you write just the way you talk - it's fun!
