Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lifting & Shifting

After a half marathon there is nothing I like to do more than shift 2 x 8 ft kitchen units from my inlaws to my garage. That's how I spent sunday morning, much to the amusement of Dunbar residents who saw us driving down the street with them sticking out of the boot, with me holding on. I was trying to imagine the accident claim form...a large kitchen unit came from noweher and hit me. We got a much needed fridge freezer out of it, and it forced me into tidying up the garage. If you buy a house with a big garage, beleive me when I say it won't reduce your clutter. It just increases it and creates another space for it to breed.

Today was nother day of lifting. This time an air hockey table and a very heavy table football. I'd borrowed them from Hallhill for our church youth programme. Yet again I was seen driving down the street with a large object hanging out of my boot. Even the 2 policemen passing looked on in disbelief, but managed to avoid giving me a fixed penalty. I don't know if there is a law that covers it.

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