Thursday, November 02, 2006

Brass Monkeys

It's brass monkeys weather just now and I shall soon be sporting my Porthmadog hat to keep the chill off my balding head. Today saw the first frost and the first woodpecker of the season. I think it was a Great Spotted variety as it was quite big and was in woods behind our house. If you live in Manhester and want tosee a woodpecker then there used to be regulars nesting in the golf links at Heaton Moor near the Peel Moat. However, you are more likely to find the cider variety of Woodpecker in the bushes around the park, along wih the lesser spotted Lambrini, crested Groslch and speckled diamond white. Look for the tell tale signs of empty chip papers, vomit pools where regurgitation has occured and goz puddles.

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