Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Richard's Club

I started off a new Bible Club at the Primary School last week. The Head Teacher asked me to do it because the kids are supposed to have a space to reflect and discuss the stuff they are taught in RE about different faiths. Remember this is me doing a primary school club with all my phobias of under 12's. Week 1 saw an impressive 25 kids turn up and apart from a few mix up's with dinners they seemed to enjoy it. Week 2 was ridiculous. 51 kids turned up and there I was leading them in an action song and morphing into a crazy kids praise leader. The Head (Mrs Manson) stuck her head around the door which would have been reassuring, but I was in the middle of a line dance at that point. One step further and she would have been stripping the willow with me.
I am not sure why they come and for how long, but whilst they do I am not complaining. I've not come up with any cheesy catch phrases yet, but the name of the club, which was not of my choosing, is very poor. 'Richard's Club'. A competition to rename it is underway...any suggestions would be welcome but for moral reasons, other spellings of the name 'Richard' beginning with 'D' and rhyming with Mick will be ignored.

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