Sunday, November 19, 2006

Holy Huggable

This 'Richard's Club' thing has got me searching the net for resources to use with the little munchkins and belive me there is some pretty dodgy stuff out there that sells itself in the name of God. However some of it is just entertaining for its cheese factor and the naievity of it producers and buyers that their product will actually help their cause. Take for example HolyHuggables where you discover Jesus and Moses and Esther were all American and required chest compressions before they spoke. Amazing, but I want one. Unfortunately Jesus has sold out...of stock that is. The slightly more upmarket version is still available and rumour has it, he healed Action Man's old war injury the other day. On a similar theme, my five year old son Stuart has discovered those novelty keyrings that have recorded messages from 'D' class celebs. His favourite is 'Mr T' and I found him wandering around Borders saying 'I'm not getting in a plane you crazy fool'. Unfortuantely he found a Catherine Tate one and was trying to work out what 'facking' meant in HMV.

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