Saturday, December 02, 2006

Peregrine Chum

Yet agaian the wildlife here makes a big impression. As a kid I was a member of the RSPB before I grew into bird watching of a different type! In those days, and it still is, one of the rarest birds and most protected was the Peregrine Falcon. I could not believe my eyes when I saw a pair of them nesting in a location very near here. Obviously I can't say where as those weirdos that nick eggs will be on to it in no time...oh ok go on's on top of the police station! Also spotted this week...seal cub on the beach....and the illusive white squirrel (not together though...the seal is not very good at tree climbing).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds better than the 'wildlife' Harold found in the bushes on cringle fields...