Monday, May 07, 2007

Tri Hard

Isabelle did her first triathlon the other day. It was the Dunbar Junior Triathlon and although she was one of the slower racers, she came in first for Dunbar girls. All the rest were outsiders who need to get on the Playstation a bit more and do something less healthy. It was for 10-16 year olds, but one contender actually had a beard (see photo... a ginger beard at'd think he would try and hide his hair colouring rather than wear it on his chin). Anyway she won some money so I decided to put in for my own race next week. Training has been hard and having thought about the idea of running in my Speedo's I decided to buy a triathlonsuit off E-bay. It's a bit of a gamble as I have no idea what size I should get, and I am not convinced I will look any less offensive than my ball bulgers and a pair of trainers. We will see? Watch out for the results here North Berwick Triathlon

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