Saturday, August 09, 2008

Flood Alert

Things are desperate when all we can write about is the weather, but unusual waether gets a mention. It rained for 36 hours on Wed/Thursday and there was some localised flooding here in Dunbar. The road was closed as it flooded under the railway bridge, in another incident my car was stranded in the car park that also flooded and required wading through...well paddling through 2 inches of water. But the main crisis was in the guinea pig hutch. Several inches (and rising) was dangerously close to swamping out the little critters. Since the execution...(sorry accidental death of Splat) we are all very protective of the others. I'm sure one was called Splash, and so concerned was Isabelle, that she actually got out of her bed before 11am. Not only that, she rescued them from the rising flood waters.

Today was the Haddington Half Marathon. The torrential rain was back and for me good running conditions. We decided an hour before to do it, which was a mistake as neither of us were in the zone, or really prepared. But then the rain stopped and the sun put his hat on and it went all humid. Crap running conditions. I pulled up at 11.5 miles with cramp, again at 12.5 miles, not enough fluid taken on and the price you pay for a staple diet of banoffee pie whilst at Wensleydale. Worst still we both have red sun burn in the pattern of our running vests. Emma showed hers off at the churches pool and pizza party tonight. More rain forecast tomorrow, and we are hoping for more flooding so we can get the dinghy out on park.

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