Monday, January 21, 2008

Did you see that?

I did my usual Saturday morning walk with the dog on the beach. You get a lot of seals around there if you look hard enough. This time though I was fortunate enough to see something that I will probably never see again. It was an otter. It was sat on a rock eating fish and at first I thought it was a seal pup. But this thing had a tail and as i got near it there was no doubt about it. I watched it for 5 minutes or so and the dog started barking so I had to ditch it in the car, which allowed me to pick up my binoculars. When I got back it had gone. But then I saw its distinct style of swimming...hooping in and out of the water (I can see why these things have been mistaken for the Loch Ness Monster). I found it again around the corner on the site of the old outdoor pool...and then heading south. I will add it to my list of other wildlife spotted around here (still being headed by the big cat sighting of 2005) but I am never likely to see it again as they are nocturnal and shy normally. Keep your eyes peeled!

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