Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What a great pair!

Just what you always needed. Found in a garden centre in Ambleside a lovely pair of tits! Solar powered glow in the dark ones for your garden. Why other than being able to boast the gag of 'I've got a pair of glow in the dark tits' would you want them. Blue tits are not nocturnal birds. If it was a glow in the dark owl then maybe I'd be tempted. And hang's the middle of the Lake District where you only have to look out of your window to see more than your average number of the real things. Also found at the same place were rock shaped garden speakers. That's right speakers disguised as rocks. But why would you have speakers in your garden anyway? Ours would be better off with dog turd shaped ones as they would blend in better. And not forgetting the stick on bark faces. Because your tree might look a bit too...well like a tree and not human like, they have made stick on bark faces so that your tree can look like those scary ones on the Wizard of Oz.

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