Thursday, January 10, 2008

Theyr'e Gone..i think

Well if my calculations are right Colin & Sharon & the boys will be heading through to the departure loungs of Ringway Airport in around 1 hours time leaving behind a tearful mob of family and friends. Their first stop...Heathrow...then Hong Kong...Disney land Hong Kong (there has to be lots of racist jokes about that one i am sure) then their new home of Adelaide. By all account they were still packing late last night and wondering exactly what to do with the many items still at my mums house. I suppose it will find them eventually.

I have a very early memory of saying farewell to some distant relative as a kid. Until recently I could only remember it being at a train station and lots of people blubbing. I had no idea how old I was, but I discovered recently from my mum that I was about 3 years old. I think this is my earliest known memory and one that has stuck with me. Those psychologists amongst you will have a field day with tht information I am sure. Anyway it turns out the person was my mums cousin Susan who was emigrating. As it happens she too was off to Adelaide, where she is still living and likely to meet up with Colin some time soon.

We are not sure when we will visit them. Before that I ought to check that they actually left the country and didn't leave their visas behind on the kitchen table.

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