Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's the dogs....

Took Trefor to the vets for his annual booster jag and she traumatised us all with the suggestion that we get him castrated. With a straight face, in earshot of the dog himself she said that they find 'removing their testicles reduces their sexual aggression and prevents a number of illnesses'. Now I am no dog psychologists, but I should think that removing anyones testicles is going to reduce their sexual aggression. As well meaning as she was I think he can keep them for a while longer...what else is he going to lick? And she might be well meaning, but at a price..specifically the 'prices starting at £123. I wonder if that is for the pair, or a BOGOF offer? Also does size increase the cost? For example is the 'starting from' for one of those horrible yappy things with a pair of kumquats, and does Trefor's plums cost more than that, if so I feel sorry for any Great Dane owners who might have to shell out a small fortune for the de-stoning of their avocado's.

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