Wednesday, August 05, 2009

R.I.P Sammy or do I mean Patch

Spent the night digging a hole with the lads. You've guessed it, another pet has snuffed. This time it was the turn of Sammy the rabbit. I noticed him sneezing this afternoon and by tea time he was gasping for air. A quick look at rabbit illness on the great authority of Google and it looked like he had all the symptoms of rabbit pneumonia, with the exception of anorexia, which is one of the tell tale signs. Pause for thought there and allow that image of an annorexic rabbit sink in! Anyway he was in a bad way and I was ready to visit the vets in the morning if things didn't improve. No need to bother, as in the time it took me to make a cup of tea, Sammy had gone to that big carrot field in the sky.

The boys were very good and dealing with it and dug a big hole and buried him. And there he lies, forming the foundations of next springs project, a vegetable patch.

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